Basic Information | |||
Gene ID | ENSOPRG00000006565 | ||
Gene Name | ENSOPRG00000006565 | ||
Full Name | ENSOPRG00000006565 | ||
Organism | Ochotona princeps [9978] |
Cross Reference | |||
UniProt | NULL | UniGene | NULL |
Protein Interactions | |
IntAct | NULL |
Ensembl/RefSeq | Transcript ID | Protein ID | Gene ID |
InterPro Annotation | |||||||
Protein | Program | Term | IPRS | Start | End | Score | Description |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | Gene3D | G3DSA: | IPR011598 | 95 | 151 | 4.90e-25 | Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | Pfam | PF00010 | IPR011598 | 95 | 146 | 2.50e-16 | Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | Pfam | PF12533 | IPR022575 | 153 | 272 | 9.40e-44 | Neurogenic differentiation factor, domain of unknown function |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | PIRSF | PIRSF015618 | IPR016637 | 1 | 337 | 2.30e-225 | Transcription factor, basic helix-loop-helix, NeuroD |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | ProSiteProfiles | PS50888 | IPR011598 | 94 | 146 | 0.00e-00 | Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | SMART | SM00353 | IPR011598 | 100 | 152 | 2.20e-19 | Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | SUPERFAMILY | SSF47459 | IPR011598 | 95 | 153 | 0.00e-00 | Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain |
Pfam Annotation | ||||
Protein | Pfam ID | E.value | Name | Description |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | PF12533 | 4.76441e-44 | Neuro_bHLH | Neuronal helix-loop-helix transcription factor |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | PF00010 | 1.5e-16 | HLH | Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain |
Gene Ontology Annotation | |||
Protein | Entry | Name Space | Description |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | GO:0006351 | biological_process | transcription, DNA-templated |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | GO:0006355 | biological_process | regulation of transcription, DNA-templated |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | GO:0030154 | biological_process | cell differentiation |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | GO:0005634 | cellular_component | nucleus |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | GO:0003677 | molecular_function | DNA binding |
ENSOPRP00000006007 | GO:0046983 | molecular_function | protein dimerization activity |
Orthologs | |||||
TAXID | Organism | Gene ID | TAXID | Organism | Gene ID |
28377 | Anolis carolinensis | 100552466 | 8090 | Oryzias latipes | 101163692 |
7897 | Latimeria chalumnae | 102350350 | 59463 | Myotis lucifugus | 102432835 |
9361 | Dasypus novemcinctus | ENSDNOG00000014272 | 9365 | Erinaceus europaeus | ENSEEUG00000007073 |
69293 | Gasterosteus aculeatus | ENSGACG00000017176 | 8128 | Oreochromis niloticus | ENSONIG00000009263 |
13616 | Monodelphis domestica | 100011525 | 9796 | Equus caballus | 100055160 |
10029 | Cricetulus griseus | 100771686 | 9597 | Pan paniscus | 100988137 |
9555 | Papio anubis | 101025943 | 39432 | Saimiri boliviensis | 101036563 |
31033 | Takifugu rubripes | 101074015 | 9685 | Felis catus | 101089001 |
9595 | Gorilla gorilla | 101146748 | 9669 | Mustela putorius furo | 101688016 |
43179 | Ictidomys tridecemlineatus | 101965007 | 13735 | Pelodiscus sinensis | 102446050 |
7955 | Danio rerio | 114415 | 9544 | Macaca mulatta | 694337 |
10141 | Cavia porcellus | ENSCPOG00000006406 | 10020 | Dipodomys ordii | ENSDORG00000004737 |
8049 | Gadus morhua | ENSGMOG00000017265 | 9785 | Loxodonta africana | ENSLAFG00000018034 |
30608 | Microcebus murinus | ENSMICG00000012974 | 9813 | Procavia capensis | ENSPCAG00000005309 |
37347 | Tupaia belangeri | ENSTBEG00000013747 | 99883 | Tetraodon nigroviridis | ENSTNIG00000018633 |
9739 | Tursiops truncatus | ENSTTRG00000000347 | 8083 | Xiphophorus maculatus | ENSXMAG00000019613 |
132908 | Pteropus vampyrus | ENSPVAG00000014789 |