'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

Class NCBI_separateEntries

  extended by charite.christo.AbstractInteractiveFileProcessor
      extended by charite.christo.NCBI_separateEntries
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.util.EventListener

public class NCBI_separateEntries
extends AbstractInteractiveFileProcessor

HELP This utility allows to split a multiple sequences file where the sections are separated by a line containing only two slashes. The ncbi server is producing this kind of concatenated file when requesting the result with parameters Display=GenPept.and send-to=text. SEE_DIALOG:charite/christo/strap/DialogFetchSRS

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String fileEntry(BA byteArray, java.io.File f)
 java.io.File[] processFile(BA byteArray, java.io.File f, boolean overwrite)
Methods inherited from class charite.christo.AbstractInteractiveFileProcessor
actionPerformed, getCreatedFiles, interactiveProcess, setErrorNonSelected, setTextNorth
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NCBI_separateEntries()
Method Detail


public java.lang.String fileEntry(BA byteArray,
                                  java.io.File f)
Specified by:
fileEntry in class AbstractInteractiveFileProcessor


public java.io.File[] processFile(BA byteArray,
                                  java.io.File f,
                                  boolean overwrite)
Specified by:
processFile in class AbstractInteractiveFileProcessor

'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

'The most important classes are StrapAlign, Protein and StrapEvent.'