Intuitive Editor for annotated multiple Sequence and Structure Alignments
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In case of problems introduced with the new version, use the Previous Strap version ... as a fall back.

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Interactive JavaScript and HTML5 based multiple sequence alignment for web sites
Unlike above HTML5 based Alignment Annotator, Strap requires client side Java. All script commands in Alignment Annotator are also applicable in Strap.

Visualization does not require client side Java News:

  • Browser based Web application for desktop PCs and tablet computers (iOS, Andreoid, MS-Mobile) which runs entirely without Java.
    Please cite: Alignment-Annotator web server: rendering and annotating sequence alignments (2014) Nucleic Acids Res
  • Feb-2018 new version fixes problems caused by changes of external web services like EBI.
  • Mar-2019: Major changes. Simplified installation. Less code size and enhanced speed. Optimized user interface for Windows 10 and MacOSX. Non-attended installation of Unix tools for PDF-Graphics processing.

With this free Java software you can:
  • Use latest bioinformatics tools with an intuitive user interface
  • Compare proteins by sequence and 3D-similarity
  • Search protein databases
  • Underline important sequence positions e.g. phosphorylated or glycosylated residues
  • Predict secondary structure, Transmembrane helices and Coiled Coil
  • Create high quality figures for publications with PDF (Example), MS-Word (Example), Libre Office, Open Office and Gwrite
  • Export to MSF, Clustal, HSSP, Multiple Fasta and Jalview
  • Publish interactive protein alignments online with HTML5
More ...
Alignment of alpha subunits of the proteaseome

flavodoxin: 3D-superposition of pdb1flv and pdb1ja1. flavodoxin: Amino acids at Flavin binding pocket are drawn as sticks.

Translation of nucleotides into amino acids.

Author: christoph.gille @ charite .de
Institut für Biochemie, Charité Berlin

Tested platforms:
Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, MacOSX 10.7 (Lion) and 10.11 (El Capitan), Linux, Solaris, Open Solaris

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