Main»How To Work With Analysis Contexts

How To Work With Analysis Contexts

Analysis contexts and analysis types

The settings (ontologies, reasoning parameters...) needed to perform an analysis type in RDFScape are grouped in analysis contexts. These can be loaded/saved, and shared with other people.

All operation in RDFScape are always relative to an analysis context. This can be the default context, or another one defined by the user (the default context is changed via activate context). Saving a context is not automatic, it must be specifically issued through via the save current context action).


This is the panel relative to the management of Analysis Contexts.


1 Analaysis Context selection

2 Load all specification in the current selected context (discard previous one, if present)

3 Add a new context. This will prompt for a name (if this already exists, nothing is done). Adding a new context does not imply its activation. This means the older context remain active untill "Activate Context" is selected.

4 Delete currently selected context

5 Save current context (this is the context in use, not necessarily the one selected)

A few explanations:

There is a concept of "active context", that is the one the user is working on (the last activated context) and to which information is saved.

There is also a selected context, this is the context that is going to be read when "Activate Context" is selected.


Q: what happens if I change analysis context runtiem ?

When is press activate context this will act as a reset

Q: how can I share analysis contexts ?

for the time being, you have to copy directories under rdfscapecontext (in the Cytoscape directoty). Each directory corresponds to a context.