Basic Information | |||
Gene ID | ENSGACG00000011185 | ||
Gene Name | NULL | ||
Full Name | Uncharacterized protein | ||
Organism | Gasterosteus aculeatus [69293] |
Cross Reference | |||
UniProt | G3PB17 | UniGene | NULL |
Protein Interactions | |
IntAct | NULL |
Ensembl/RefSeq | Transcript ID | Protein ID | Gene ID |
InterPro Annotation | |||||||
Protein | Program | Term | IPRS | Start | End | Score | Description |
ENSGACP00000014793 | Gene3D | G3DSA: | IPR009071 | 101 | 181 | 1.10e-33 | High mobility group box domain |
ENSGACP00000014793 | Pfam | PF00505 | IPR009071 | 103 | 171 | 8.50e-25 | High mobility group box domain |
ENSGACP00000014793 | Pfam | PF12444 | IPR022151 | 22 | 93 | 1.60e-26 | Sox developmental protein N-terminal |
ENSGACP00000014793 | ProSiteProfiles | PS50118 | IPR009071 | 103 | 171 | 0.00e-00 | High mobility group box domain |
ENSGACP00000014793 | SMART | SM00398 | IPR009071 | 102 | 172 | 7.70e-30 | High mobility group box domain |
ENSGACP00000014793 | SUPERFAMILY | SSF47095 | IPR009071 | 85 | 175 | 0.00e-00 | High mobility group box domain |
Pfam Annotation | ||||
Protein | Pfam ID | E.value | Name | Description |
ENSGACP00000014793 | PF12444 | 1.6e-26 | Sox_N | Sox developmental protein N terminal |
ENSGACP00000014793 | PF00505 | 8.5e-25 | HMG_box | HMG (high mobility group) box |
ENSGACP00000014793 | PF09011 | 7.7e-11 | HMG_box_2 | HMG-box domain |
Gene Ontology Annotation | |||
Protein | Entry | Name Space | Description |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0001501 | biological_process | skeletal system development |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0001502 | biological_process | cartilage condensation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0001708 | biological_process | cell fate specification |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0001837 | biological_process | epithelial to mesenchymal transition |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0001894 | biological_process | tissue homeostasis |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0001934 | biological_process | positive regulation of protein phosphorylation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0001942 | biological_process | hair follicle development |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0002053 | biological_process | positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0002683 | biological_process | negative regulation of immune system process |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0003170 | biological_process | heart valve development |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0003179 | biological_process | heart valve morphogenesis |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0003203 | biological_process | endocardial cushion morphogenesis |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0003413 | biological_process | chondrocyte differentiation involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0003415 | biological_process | chondrocyte hypertrophy |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0006334 | biological_process | nucleosome assembly |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0006338 | biological_process | chromatin remodeling |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0006351 | biological_process | transcription, DNA-templated |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0006355 | biological_process | regulation of transcription, DNA-templated |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0006366 | biological_process | transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0006461 | biological_process | protein complex assembly |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0006468 | biological_process | protein phosphorylation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0007165 | biological_process | signal transduction |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0007173 | biological_process | epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0007283 | biological_process | spermatogenesis |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0008284 | biological_process | positive regulation of cell proliferation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0010564 | biological_process | regulation of cell cycle process |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0010634 | biological_process | positive regulation of epithelial cell migration |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0014068 | biological_process | positive regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0019100 | biological_process | male germ-line sex determination |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0019933 | biological_process | cAMP-mediated signaling |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0030279 | biological_process | negative regulation of ossification |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0030858 | biological_process | positive regulation of epithelial cell differentiation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0030916 | biological_process | otic vesicle formation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0032331 | biological_process | negative regulation of chondrocyte differentiation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0032332 | biological_process | positive regulation of chondrocyte differentiation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0035019 | biological_process | somatic stem cell maintenance |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0042127 | biological_process | regulation of cell proliferation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0042981 | biological_process | regulation of apoptotic process |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0043066 | biological_process | negative regulation of apoptotic process |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0043491 | biological_process | protein kinase B signaling |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0045662 | biological_process | negative regulation of myoblast differentiation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0045892 | biological_process | negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0045944 | biological_process | positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0046533 | biological_process | negative regulation of photoreceptor cell differentiation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0050679 | biological_process | positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0050680 | biological_process | negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0051216 | biological_process | cartilage development |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0060008 | biological_process | Sertoli cell differentiation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0060041 | biological_process | retina development in camera-type eye |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0060221 | biological_process | retinal rod cell differentiation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0060517 | biological_process | epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostatic bud elongation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0060729 | biological_process | intestinal epithelial structure maintenance |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0060784 | biological_process | regulation of cell proliferation involved in tissue homeostasis |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0061138 | biological_process | morphogenesis of a branching epithelium |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0070168 | biological_process | negative regulation of biomineral tissue development |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0070371 | biological_process | ERK1 and ERK2 cascade |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0071260 | biological_process | cellular response to mechanical stimulus |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0071364 | biological_process | cellular response to epidermal growth factor stimulus |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0071504 | biological_process | cellular response to heparin |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0072034 | biological_process | renal vesicle induction |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0072289 | biological_process | metanephric nephron tubule formation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0090090 | biological_process | negative regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0090103 | biological_process | cochlea morphogenesis |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0090184 | biological_process | positive regulation of kidney development |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0090190 | biological_process | positive regulation of branching involved in ureteric bud morphogenesis |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:2000020 | biological_process | positive regulation of male gonad development |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:2000741 | biological_process | positive regulation of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0005634 | cellular_component | nucleus |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0043234 | cellular_component | protein complex |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0001046 | molecular_function | core promoter sequence-specific DNA binding |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0001077 | molecular_function | RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity involved in positive regulation of transcription |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0001158 | molecular_function | enhancer sequence-specific DNA binding |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0003677 | molecular_function | DNA binding |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0003682 | molecular_function | chromatin binding |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0003705 | molecular_function | RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0004672 | molecular_function | protein kinase activity |
ENSGACP00000014793 | GO:0035326 | molecular_function | enhancer binding |
Orthologs | |||||
TAXID | Organism | Gene ID | TAXID | Organism | Gene ID |
10224 | Saccoglossus kowalevskii | 100367276 | 9595 | Gorilla gorilla | 101135517 |
43179 | Ictidomys tridecemlineatus | 101970684 | 8083 | Xiphophorus maculatus | 102219562 |
7668 | Strongylocentrotus purpuratus | 581729 | 9615 | Canis familiaris | ENSCAFG00000004374 |
7719 | Ciona intestinalis | ENSCING00000001019 | 51511 | Ciona savignyi | ENSCSAVG00000008424 |
13616 | Monodelphis domestica | 100024115 | 6087 | Hydra magnipapillata | 100201982 |
9601 | Pongo abelii | 100452528 | 10141 | Cavia porcellus | 100725927 |
10029 | Cricetulus griseus | 100754443 | 9597 | Pan paniscus | 100970122 |
9555 | Papio anubis | 101003954 | 7897 | Latimeria chalumnae | 102351194 |
10116 | Rattus norvegicus | 29361 | 7227 | Drosophila melanogaster | 45039 |
28377 | Anolis carolinensis | ENSACAG00000008719 | 9483 | Callithrix jacchus | ENSCJAG00000000109 |
9365 | Erinaceus europaeus | ENSEEUG00000011263 | 9371 | Echinops telfairi | ENSETEG00000020237 |
9685 | Felis catus | ENSFCAG00000015685 | 8049 | Gadus morhua | ENSGMOG00000009261 |
9315 | Macropus eugenii | ENSMEUG00000009986 | 59463 | Myotis lucifugus | ENSMLUG00000014317 |
30611 | Otolemur garnettii | ENSOGAG00000027844 | 9598 | Pan troglodytes | ENSPTRG00000009592 |
9305 | Sarcophilus harrisii | ENSSHAG00000018176 | 9031 | Gallus gallus | ENSGALG00000012290 |
9785 | Loxodonta africana | ENSLAFG00000001445 | 30608 | Microcebus murinus | ENSMICG00000013132 |
9544 | Macaca mulatta | ENSMMUG00000002412 | 61853 | Nomascus leucogenys | ENSNLEG00000002643 |
9978 | Ochotona princeps | ENSOPRG00000007860 | 8090 | Oryzias latipes | ENSORLG00000007960 |
13735 | Pelodiscus sinensis | ENSPSIG00000016802 | 132908 | Pteropus vampyrus | ENSPVAG00000010109 |
9823 | Sus scrofa | ENSSSCG00000017251 | 99883 | Tetraodon nigroviridis | ENSTNIG00000009759 |
31033 | Takifugu rubripes | ENSTRUG00000018587 | 9739 | Tursiops truncatus | ENSTTRG00000005687 |
8364 | Xenopus tropicalis | ENSXETG00000022348 |
Paralogs | |||
ENSGACG00000005675 | ENSGACG00000016017 |