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Genomics, Medicine, and Pseudoscience: Myriad Genetics CEO Claims He Owns Your DNA
Submitted by Gary Van Domselaar; posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2013
An article by Steven Salzberg:
"With the Supreme Court about to hear a landmark case on gene patents, Myriad Genetics, the company that owns the patents under scrutiny, is going on the offensive. I've written about this case before, when the patents were first thrown out by one court, and then restored by another. Now the Supremes will have the final say.
"Just last week, geneticists Jeffrey Rosenfeld and Chris Mason wrote a commentary for the Washington Post that warned about the consequences of companies owning the rights to our gene sequences.
"Today, in a letter filled with non sequiturs and distortions, Myriad Genetics' CEO Peter Meldrum, worried about whether his company will be able to maintain their monopoly on a test for which they charge $4000, responded. Let's look at his claims."
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