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Journals: Lisa Federer (Science Blog): A Threat to Open Access: the Research Works Act
Submitted by Gary Van Domselaar; posted on Wednesday, January 11, 2012
"As I discussed in a recent post, quite a bit of scientific research these days is federally funded. If your funding comes from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), you are required to make your work publicly available by depositing it in PubMed Central, a database of full-text scientific articles. The reasoning is that the public should have access to the research that they are funding through the tax dollars, which I think seems reasonable enough.
"Not surprisingly, the publishers who print the articles in the journals don't agree, and they have lobbied for the introduction of a piece of legislation that would put an end to the NIH Public Access Policy and similar measures to ensure public access to federally funded works. The bill, called the Research Works Act, would prevent the government from requiring free dissemination of research articles that have been funded by federal dollars and also prohibit the government from developing open access repositories, like PubMed Central. According to its proponents, this legislation is necessary to protect publishers from having to give away their articles for free, which would discourage them from investing in the publication process. The Association of American Publishers' response is available here."
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