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Human gene numbers
Submitted by Gary Van Domselaar; posted on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 (1 comment)
"The number of genes encoded in human DNA may be far fewer than thought. Until now, the main estimates have ranged from 65,000 to 120,000. But two research teams, using independent methods, estimate there may be as few as 30,000 or 34,000 genes."
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"This year's Cold Spring Harbor Genome conference saw the completion of 85% of the human genome in "working draft" form - with the expectation that 90% will be done by June 15th. One of the hotly debated topics was the number of human genes. This has been estimated at anything from 35,000 to 150,000.
Considering the spread of opinion, the only way to resolve was to get people to bet on it - hence the gene sweepstake. This led to an interesting debate on the definition of a gene (see the text below along with footnotes) and how to assess that number. The basic rules will be that the number is decided on 2003 with voting for the method for how to decide on 2002.
Genesweep was organised by Ewan Birney, from the EBI, one of the technical leaders of the Ensembl project to provide an current and consistent annotation of the human genome free to everyone. The betting book stays at Cold Spring Harbor under the care of David Stewart. Anyone can make a bet as long as they physically sign the book. "
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"This year's Cold Spring Harbor Genome conference saw the completion of 85% of the human genome in "working draft" form - with the expectation that 90% will be done by June 15th. One of the hotly debated topics was the number of human genes. This has been estimated at anything from 35,000 to 150,000.
Considering the spread of opinion, the only way to resolve was to get people to bet on it - hence the gene sweepstake. This led to an interesting debate on the definition of a gene (see the text below along with footnotes) and how to assess that number. The basic rules will be that the number is decided on 2003 with voting for the method for how to decide on 2002.
Genesweep was organised by Ewan Birney, from the EBI, one of the technical leaders of the Ensembl project to provide an current and consistent annotation of the human genome free to everyone. The betting book stays at Cold Spring Harbor under the care of David Stewart. Anyone can make a bet as long as they physically sign the book. "