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February 07, 2009, at 06:05 PM by Jepoirrier - Updated information
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Gemvid is written by [[|Jean-Etienne]] and Laurent Poirrier. Jean-Etienne is a Ph.D. student at the University of Liege ([[|ULg]]). Laurent is a student in engineering at the same university. (Yes, we are brothers)

Gemvid is developped at the [[|Animal Unit]] of the [[|Cyclotron Research Centre]].
Gemvid is written by [[|Jean-Etienne]] and Laurent Poirrier. Jean-Etienne is a Ph.D. student at the University of Liege ([[|ULg]]). Laurent is a Ph.D. student in engineering at the same university. (Yes, we are brothers)

Gemvid was developed at the [[|Animal Unit]] of the [[|Cyclotron Research Centre]]. It is now developed "in our garage" ;-)
August 22, 2006, at 06:05 PM by JeanEtienne -
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Gemvid is written by [[|Jean-Etienne]] and Laurent Poirrier. Gemvid is part of the [[|ULg]]-[[|CRC]] [[|Animal Unit]].
Gemvid is written by [[|Jean-Etienne]] and Laurent Poirrier. Jean-Etienne is a Ph.D. student at the University of Liege ([[|ULg]]). Laurent is a student in engineering at the same university. (Yes, we are brothers)

Gemvid is developped at the [[|Animal Unit]] of the [[|Cyclotron Research Centre]].
July 14, 2006, at 10:32 AM by -
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Gemvid group page on (:if ! auth edit:)

Gemvid is written by [[|Jean-Etienne]] and Laurent Poirrier. Gemvid is part of the [[|ULg]]-[[|CRC]] [[|Animal Unit]].

If you are interested in Gemvid development, you could be interested in its group page on (:if ! auth edit:)