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  • FragSize: DNA band size determination - Summary

    All categories :: bioinformatics software development :: FragSize: DNA band size determination

    FragSize is a software tool designed to help molecular biologists in DNA band size determination. It use an graphic user interface, so, use FragSize is very easy. Just load the gel image and make the determinations.

    License: GNU General Public License

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    Project admins: [Photo] Marcos Oliveira de Carvalho

    Members: 2 [View all members]
    Module name: fragsize
    Latest release is 1.0.3
    View: [Release Notes & Changelog]
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    C++ development
    Submitted by Marcos Oliveira de Carvalho; posted on Tuesday, January 22, 2002


    The development of a C++ version of FragSize was started.
    Submitted by Marcos Oliveira de Carvalho; posted on Tuesday, January 22, 2002 (2 comments)


    A translation work of FragSize was started. The new versions will have spanish and english options in Science, and FragSize was cited
    Submitted by Marcos Oliveira de Carvalho; posted on Saturday, September 29, 2001


    ``Inspired by the Open Source software movement, provides information on a wealth of free tools being developed for bioinformatics research. The community site, founded by scientists at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, has gathered 39 projects so far that range from software for analyzing nucleotide sequences to a program that measures DNA band sizes from gel images. Although some are ready to use, other projects are still at early stages of development and don't yet work. Visitors can download the underlying code for some software, and they're invited to submit feedback to developers.''

    Files Release
    Submitted by Marcos Oliveira de Carvalho; posted on Saturday, August 18, 2001 (1 comment)


    First release of FragSize files are done. Source code and setup files are avaible for dowload at dowload section. This is the 0.1 version, e-mail the author for suggestions.
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