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    Balony (Java)

    Chemical Comparator (Java)

    compLED (Other/Any/No Language)

    CRISPR: a resource for CRISPR guideRNA design (Perl, PHP, Unix Shell)

    GIPSy: Genomic Island Prediction Software - A Java-based Genomic Island Prediction Software which improves the previously developed Pathogenicity Island Prediction Software (PIPS) by performing other GEI analyses and providing a user-friendly graphical interface. Please, read the Manual. (Java)

    mtRNA-seq (Perl, R)

    News & Commentary (Other/Any/No Language)

    Nutrigenomics Knowledge Base: Resource for Nutrition Science (Perl, PHP, Python, Unix Shell, R)

    Rare Variant Generalized Disequilibrium Test (Python)

    SNEASER: an easy SNP filter pipeline - SNEASER is a perl based pipeline to detect potential exonic mutations in next generation sequencing data by filtering out all known variants. (Perl, Unix Shell)

    UAN catmap webservice (R, C#)


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