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  • RDFScape: Semantic Web and data analysis - Downloads

    (1 - 5 of 5)

    Filename Size Version Type Released View
    Download module: CompletePackage
    dist_0_4_2_JVM1_6.tgz 14222697 bytes 0.4.2 j1.6 tgz 04-21-2008 [Notes]
    dist_0_4_2_JVM1_5.tgz 14213630 bytes 0.4.2 j1.5 tgz 04-21-2008 [Notes]
    dist04_1.tgz 14222965 bytes 0.4.1 tgz 02-08-2008 [Notes]
    dist04.tgz 14222960 bytes 0.4 tgz 02-07-2008 [Notes]
    Download module: vizmap
    vizmap-0_2_1.tgz 4426 bytes 0.2.1 tgz 07-27-2007 [Notes]
    Download module: plugin-binary
    RDFScape_0_4_2-JVM1_5.tgz 441006 bytes 0.4.2 j1.5 tgz 04-21-2008 [Notes]
    RDFScape_0_4_2-JVM1_6.tgz 449992 bytes 0.4.2 j1.6 tgz 04-21-2008 [Notes]
    RDFScape04_1.tgz 450323 bytes 0.4.1 tgz 02-08-2008 [Notes]
    RDFScape04.tgz 450323 bytes 0.4 tgz 02-07-2008 [Notes]
    RDFScapejar-0_2_1.gz 172347 bytes 0.2.1 gz 07-27-2007 [Notes]
    rdfscape-0_2_0.tgz 482395 bytes 0.2.0 tgz 06-07-2007 [Notes]
    RDFScape.jar 194689 bytes 0.1.1 jar 06-18-2006 [Notes]
    Download module: AnalysisContexts
    analysisContexts04.tgz 53138 bytes 0.4 tgz 02-07-2008 [Notes]
    context-pathwaycommons-HumanCyc-local-interaction.tgz 3889 bytes 0.2 tgz 07-31-2007 [Notes]
    context-pathwaycommons-0_2_1.tgz 23178 bytes 0.2.1 tgz 07-27-2007 [Notes]
    rdfScapeTestContext01.tar.gz 3062 bytes 0.1 tar/gz 05-30-2006 [Notes]
    Download module: rdfscape
    RDFScape011.jar 194689 bytes 0.1.1 jar 06-18-2006 [Notes]
    RDFScape-alpha0.1.jar 236597 bytes 0.1 jar 05-30-2006 [Notes]


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