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I, Librarian: bibliography manager - News
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Librarian 1.3 comes with a couple of new features including improved download of data from PubMed and ability to add PDF articles to more categories. Also Librarian removes line breaks if you paste info into the upload form directly from PDF file.
It is possible now to identify articles in PubMed according to PMIDs (you can enter more IDs separated by comma). The search than displays titles and first author. The next screen enables you to read over the article annotations and preselect most suitable categories. This selection
is transferred into the final Upload form. The upload form contains multiple select field for categories. To select more categories you must Ctrl+Click or Command+Click on Mac.
The older versions of Librarian (1.1, 1.1a, and 1.2) can be upgraded using 'Upgrade' release without reinstallation.
This is probably the last release of the first generation of Librarian. A 2.0 series is planned for this summer and should include the abilities to add complete citation information, generate simple lists of citations in plain text, BibTex and maybe other formats, so that this lists can be imported into Citation Managers.
The project Librarian was featured in September 8th, 2003 issue of The Scientist journal.
Sam Jaffe writes: "...the real power of Librarian is in its intranet capabilities. It allows a user to establish a network quickly, and then the home PC acts as a server available to any member of the laboratory".
The article (free registration required):