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PCalc: Primer concentration calculator - News
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This Year PCalc will have a version compiled with c++. The GUI will be designed with WxWindonws and windows API. This version is expected to be ready in october.
PCalc 2.0 for Windows was approved by beta testers. But, they request a more user-friendly interface. So, the software will be re-written with 2 interface options: simple and advanced. The new 2.1 version will be available soon. A english version of the PCalc will be compiled too.
PCalc Win2.0 beta is now under tests and briefly will be availbe for dowload. If you want be a beta tester send a mensage to the project administrator
First release of files for PCalc project. The files are the first Pascal compiled version with full features. The software run well under windows. Also the source code was released in another zip file and can be viewed in an ascii editor.
March,25,2001 - PCalc start as official project, supported by TOL