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How To Define Visual Queries

How to define visual queries (or ontology patterns)

RDFScape provides a visual query system, integrated in its browsing mode.


1 While browsing an ontology, select "Make Editable". The contectual menu will present more options:

3 Make variable. Makes this node a variable. The resulting effect is shown below. Note that this menu options is present also for edges.

4 Add filter. This is defined only for literals, and is selectable only when the corresponding node is declared as a variable. Allows the specification of a pattern the resulting literal should match (a substring that should be contained). Only specify the string and not the enclosing //. To get back, use "Restore node" (6). An example is shown below.

5 Restore node (and "Restore edge" for edges). For a node or edge turned into a variable, restore the original URI.

2 Get pattern. Get the pattern corresponding to the graph in the current Cytoscape window (prompts for a name). Nodes' attributes are not considered. If relevant, these should be visualized as edges and nodes (see How to tune visualization options). Once a pattern is taken it becomes part of a library of patterns (that can be also saved and loaded in analysis context?

6 The list of available patterns is available under this panel.

7 Each sub-panel corresponds to a pattern

8 Each pattern has several views. The "graph" view is shown above. Below the "Pattern" view. The "Matches" view depends upon queries and it is illustrated in How to use visual queries?

9 Delete pattern. Eliminate the current pattern from the list (does not affect anaylsis context unless a "save analysis context" is performed).