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Steven Salzberg to receive the 2013 Benjamin Franklin Award
Submitted by J.W. Bizzaro; posted on Monday, March 11, 2013
Bioinformatics.Org is proud to announce that Steven Salzberg of Johns Hopkins University has been chosen the next laureate of the Benjamin Franklin Award for Open Access in the Life Sciences. The selection was made by the members of Bioinformatics.Org.
In the words of his nominators, "Steven Salzberg has made many contributions to open access bioinformatics software, beginning with the pioneering system for bacterial gene finding, Glimmer (, and the MUMmer ( whole-genome alignment package. His group has built a suite of next-generation sequencing tools including Bowtie (, TopHat (, and Cufflinks (, which have been adopted by thousands of scientists around the world, and have collectively been downloaded over 200,000 times. Steven has developed open source software for genome assembly as well, launching the AMOS project ( that includes many assemblers and assembly utilities. He has publicly advocated for greater sharing of data, and was the co-founder of the Influenza Genome Project, which sequenced thousands of strains of the influenza virus. Steven has also advocated forcefully against both software and gene patents, publishing many commentaries in high-profile journals and on his genomics ( and Forbes ( blog sites."
The presentation of the award will be on April 10, 2013 at the Bio-IT World Conference + Expo, World Trade Center, Boston, Massachusetts ( (We'll also be in booth 104.)
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