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    PRESS RELEASE: Lincoln D. Stein to be presented the 2004 Benjamin Franklin Award in Bioinformatics
    Submitted by J.W. Bizzaro; posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2004 (1 comment)


    The Bioinformatics Organization, Inc. (a.k.a. Bioinformatics.Org) announces the laureate of the 2004 Benjamin Franklin Award in Bioinformatics.

    Bioinformatics.Org is proud to present the 2004 Benjamin Franklin Award in Bioinformatics to Lincoln D. Stein of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York. As expressed by his nominators, Stein is being presented this award for his creation of a great number of open-source bioinformatics programs and for championing open-source principals in many venues, including published reviews, lectures, seminars, funding-review panels, and advisory board meetings. His current work includes the GMOD project to produce open-source software components for model organism bioinformatics; the Generic Genome Browser, a web-based genome visualization system; Genome Knowledgebase, for the ontology of core biological pathways; Gramene, a comparative genome browser for grasses; and the Bioperl software library, of which he is a core developer.

    The Benjamin Franklin Award is presented annually by Bioinformatics.Org to an individual who has, in his or her practice, promoted free and open access to the materials and methods used in the scientific field of bioinformatics. The Award is named for Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), one of the most remarkable men of his time. Scientist, inventor, statesman, Franklin freely and openly shared his ideas and refused to patent his inventions, and it is the opinion of the founders of Bioinformatics.Org that he embodied the best traits of a scientist.

    At the end of 2003, requests for nominations for the 2004 Award were sent out to more than 8,000 members of Bioinformatics.Org. Any individual who received more than one nomination was considered a nominee and had their name placed on the ballot for final selection by the membership.

    The ceremony for the presentation of the Award will be held at the Fourth Annual Meeting of Bioinformatics.Org, held in conjunction with the Bio-IT World Conference and Expo, Boston, Massachusetts, March 30 to April 1, 2004. The presentation will be made March 31 at 8:30 AM. It involves a short introduction, the presentation of the certificate, and the laureate seminar. Please see for more information on the event.

    Past laureates of the Benjamin Franklin Award in Bioinformatics include Michael B. Eisen (2002) and James Kent (2003).
    • ----------
    To see Lincoln accept the Award in person, come to the 4th Annual Meeting of Bioinformatics.Org. Members can get a 25% discount on the registration fee by registering online on or before February 27, 2004 with the priority code: BTA2.

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    What about Russia?
    Submitted by Nobody; posted on Friday, March 11, 2005
    Hi there what do u think about Russia and russian entertainment web-portals? tnhx
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