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  • W-curve: Genomic string visualization - Summary

    All categories :: bioinformatics software development :: W-curve: Genomic string visualization

    The W-curve is a numerical mapping, pattern recognition algorithm that shows significant potential for achieving visual consensus for the class of long repetitive sequences found in long genomic strings.

    License: GNU General Public License

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    Project admins: Evan Estola
    Yacin Nadji

    Members: 5 [View all members]
    Module name: wcurve
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    Initial Website uploaded
    Submitted by Joseph Ruscio; posted on Saturday, August 31, 2002

    I have uploaded my sorry first attempt at a website for the w-curve. It can be reached by following the link at the to "Project Homepage" at the left. It is still really a skeleton site at the moment. Hopefully there will be a lot more content available in the near future.
    • J0ey4
    Source Code is Available!
    Submitted by Joseph Ruscio; posted on Friday, August 09, 2002

    The source code has been put under cvs control here at! Follow the posted instructions with the module name 'wcurve' and you can check out a copy to play with. We've used KDevelop as the primary development environment, so it comes complete with a *.kdevprj file. The website and more info is coming soon!
    Bioinformatics Project Registration !
    Submitted by Joseph Ruscio; posted on Wednesday, August 07, 2002 (2 comments)

    We were officially registered on on 08/05/2002!! Our initial public release as well as as a full website are in the works and will be forthcoming shortly. If you would like to be informed of upcoming releases and general information subscribe to the wcurve-announce list. If you want to keep up to date on developer conversations then subscribe to wcurve-devel. For those true men of steel who want every little detail, subscribe to wcurve-cvs to receive automated emails on cvs commits.

    If you have any questions feel free to email me at J0ey4[at]
    • J0ey4
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