Main»BIOL 320

BIOL 320

Computing in Genomics and Proteomics

These are course materials based on R. This course was offered in Spring of 2010, 2011, 2012. Later materials are in Spel.eLearn site and


  • Final take home quiz will be posted on April 28th. Your R codes, discussion of results and conclusions should be emailed to the instructor by May 3rd, 5pm. Discussion of the results and conclusions should be written in WORD document. This is an independent test. No collaboration is allowed. Late submission will not be accepted.

  • Final quiz is here. Good luck.

  • Final written reports are due on May 4, 5pm. This report should be written in the style of a scientific publication. In addition to your reports, R codes and running results, and necessary supporting materials should all be electronically submitted to the instructor. Please see your syllabus for detailed requirement.

  • Oral presentation is on April 27 in class. Rubric will be provided.

Lectures and labs

Reading assignment: Fraser et al 2002, Science, Evolutionary rate in the protein interaction network.

Reading materials:

  1. Computer basics
  2. Beginner R by Mathews;
  3. R for Bioinformatics by Krijnen;
  4. Essential Bioinformatics, by J Xiong
  5. First course in statistical programming using R, by WJ Braun & DJ Murdoch
  6. R reference card,1
  7. R reference card,2
  8. An Introduction to R, pdf
  9. Documents at CRAN


Software tools

Reference materials:

  1. R reference card
  2. An Introduction to R, pdf
  3. Contributed docs on R at CRAN
  4. R, UW
  5. R online tutorial, ISU
  6. R online tutorial, Mercury
  7. Programming in R, UC Riverside


  1. essential genes and connectivity
  2. Gasch expression
  3. yeast LOH and life span

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