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    Events: CfP: Workshop 'Network Science and Artificial Intelligence for Biomedicine & Health informatics' (NSAIBHI) @ BIBM 2022 Las Vegas
    Submitted by Paolo Tieri; posted on Wednesday, June 22, 2022


    December 6-9, 2022
    International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2022)
    Las Vegas, NV, USA

    Network Science and Artificial Intelligence for Biomedicine & Health informatics (NSAIBHI) Workshop:
    Network Science is a new paradigm of study to understand complex systems including biological interactions. Pharmacology and drug discovery leverage network biology advances for a better understanding of the complex interactions between drugs, targets and disease, for designing new molecule, and for identifying drugs to be successfully repurposed. More recently, graph neural networks expressed to be a potential game changer in deciphering the inherent complex interaction patterns in complex networks.

    The workshop and the foreseen special issue intend to highlight novel research in the area of network science, network biology and network medicine coupled with representation learning and its application to biology, medicine, and pharmacology. The focus is on, but not limited to, the following broad areas:

    1. Network Representation Learning
    2. Graph Convolution Neural Network
    3. Network Embedding
    4. Heterogeneous network integration
    5. Network Alignment
    6. Disease module detection
    7. Network Drug Discovery and Repurposing


    Electronic submission of full papers: Aug, 21, 2022
    Notification of paper acceptance: Oct 21, 2022
    Main conference Camera-ready of accepted papers: Nov 12, 2022
    Workshop Paper Camera-ready of accepted papers: Nov 12, 2022
    Conference: Dec. 6-9, 2022


    All workshop accepted papers and posters will appear in the IEEE Conference Proceedings.

    A special issue on a Scopus Indexed Journal is planned, negotiations are in progress, journals will be communicated in an upcoming announcement.

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