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    BIRCH Version A1.99
    Submitted by Brian Fristensky; posted on Wednesday, June 28, 2006


    BIRCH Version A1.99

    o miniBIRCH is now supported by birchconfig, the graphic
    install wizard. The install procedure for minibirch is
    almost identical to that for a complete BIRCH installation,
    with the addition that for miniBIRCH, the New Install window
    will have an additional 'miniBIRCH Master Directory' field.
    o New: ArrayNorm - Normalize raw gene array data, prior to analysis
    o New: TIGR-TM4 Microarray programs:
    ExpressConverter - converts array data to TIGR format
    MIDAS - Normalization and analysis
    MEV - Multi-experiment viewer for data mining
    o New: weighbor: Neighbor-Joining program which produces more reliable
    trees than traditional NJ. Available as an option in GDE.
    o Documentation pages for Packages and Programs now contain links
    to a glossary page which gives definitions for each field on the
    o Treetool, the tree editor, is now available for all platforms.
    Previously, colormap issues prevented it from running on Solaris.
    Thanks to Eric Linton for fixing this problem.
    o readseq has been upgraded to version 2.1.23.
    o GDE has been upgraded to version 2.4.5. GDE 2.1.5, wrote some
    temporary files to /usr/tmp, which is not present on some Debian
    systems. GDE 2.4.5 writes these files to /tmp, which is present on all
    Unix and Linux systems.
    o dapple has been removed from the BIRCH core distribution.


    The latest release of BIRCH (A1.99) is available at the
    BIRCH Web site

    under the link 'BIRCH Administrator's Guide'.
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