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Bioinformatics Career Survey 2008
Submitted by J.W. Bizzaro; posted on Monday, July 07, 2008
``When I wrote a post about my opinion of doing a career in bioinformatics I got the impression from the comments that this was something many people wanted more information about. Pedro and I had some discussion, and thought it might be interesting to create an online survey, to get current researchers? opinions of working in the field of bioinformatics. So, the below survey begins today (July 1) and is filled out by as many people as possible over the course the next month. The data is then released into the public domain at the start of next month (August 1). Anyone who is then interested can contribute back analysis of this data, so that on September 1 hopefully we can compile together lots of interesting statistics and graphs into a handy document discussing the highs and lows of career in bioinformatics.''
The survey can be found at the Bioinformatics.Org Career Center through July:
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