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    Poll: Operating systems (new)
    Submitted by J.W. Bizzaro; posted on Thursday, June 30, 2005 (2 comments)


    The current poll is something like the previous one, which asked which mathematics system you use for bioinformatics R&D (the winner was R by a long shot). ``Which operating system do you most frequently use for bioinformatics R&D?'' I know, there are too many OS polls out there already, but let's see what we come up with, just for giggles.

    With 95 responses in already, ``Linux variant'' leads the pack, getting about half of the votes. The rest right now are pretty much split between Mac OSX and everyone's favorite OS from Redmond, Washington.

    Do the results surprise you? What happened to the other Unix OSes? Is an Open Source platform the way to go for bioinformatics R&D? Is this simply a factor of the Open Source advocacy at this site? Cast your vote and voice your opinion!

    The poll can be found on the main page:

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    Re: No Surprise
    Submitted by J.W. Bizzaro; posted on Friday, July 01, 2005
    Submitter I guess I expected to see more people using Solaris. Sun has been pushing very hard to get bioinformaticists to use their platform, more so than I think any other major hardware vendor.

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    No Surprise
    Submitted by Mike Coleman; posted on Friday, July 01, 2005
    Speaking as someone who's been doing Unix programming and admin for about 18 years, I wouldn't touch a proprietary Unix box with a stick at this point. They are so far behind Linux/etc. that they're painful to use.
    Re: No Surprise
    Submitted by J.W. Bizzaro; posted on Friday, July 01, 2005
    Submitter I guess I expected to see more people using Solaris. Sun has been pushing very hard to get bioinformaticists to use their platform, more so than I think any other major hardware vendor.


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