Basic Information
Gene ID ENSGACG00000001665
Gene Name NULL
Full Name Uncharacterized protein
Organism Gasterosteus aculeatus [69293]

Cross Reference
UniProt G3NA33 UniGene NULL

Protein Interactions

Transcript ID
Protein ID
Gene ID

InterPro Annotation
Protein Program Term IPRS Start End Score Description
ENSGACP00000002175 Gene3D G3DSA:1.10.565.10 IPR008946 163 193 1.30e-72 Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding
ENSGACP00000002175 Gene3D G3DSA:1.10.565.10 IPR008946 267 275 1.30e-72 Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding
ENSGACP00000002175 Gene3D G3DSA:1.10.565.10 IPR008946 310 507 1.30e-72 Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding
ENSGACP00000002175 Gene3D G3DSA: IPR013088 110 162 3.90e-24 Zinc finger, NHR/GATA-type
ENSGACP00000002175 Pfam PF00104 IPR000536 312 483 1.50e-26 Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding, core
ENSGACP00000002175 Pfam PF00105 IPR001628 109 175 3.50e-27 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSGACP00000002175 Pfam PF12577 IPR022590 1 80 2.60e-30 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, N-terminal
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR00047 IPR001628 110 126 7.30e-19 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR00047 IPR001628 126 141 7.30e-19 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR00047 IPR001628 158 166 7.30e-19 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR00047 IPR001628 166 174 7.30e-19 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR00398 IPR001723 170 180 9.70e-27 Steroid hormone receptor
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR00398 IPR001723 321 342 9.70e-27 Steroid hormone receptor
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR00398 IPR001723 342 358 9.70e-27 Steroid hormone receptor
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR00398 IPR001723 410 425 9.70e-27 Steroid hormone receptor
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR00398 IPR001723 467 484 9.70e-27 Steroid hormone receptor
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR01288 IPR003074 199 213 5.00e-11 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR01288 IPR003074 213 232 5.00e-11 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR01291 IPR003077 13 27 3.20e-12 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, gamma
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR01291 IPR003077 186 202 3.20e-12 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, gamma
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR01291 IPR003077 31 44 3.20e-12 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, gamma
ENSGACP00000002175 PRINTS PR01291 IPR003077 75 93 3.20e-12 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, gamma
ENSGACP00000002175 ProSitePatterns PS00031 IPR001628 110 136 - Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSGACP00000002175 ProSiteProfiles PS51030 IPR001628 107 181 0.00e-00 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSGACP00000002175 SMART SM00399 IPR001628 107 177 1.80e-36 Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type
ENSGACP00000002175 SMART SM00430 IPR000536 320 479 1.00e-27 Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding, core
ENSGACP00000002175 SUPERFAMILY SSF48508 IPR008946 211 268 0.00e-00 Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding
ENSGACP00000002175 SUPERFAMILY SSF48508 IPR008946 303 508 0.00e-00 Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding

Pfam Annotation
Protein Pfam ID E.value Name Description
ENSGACP00000002175 PF12577 1.1e-30 PPARgamma_N PPAR gamma N-terminal region
ENSGACP00000002175 PF00105 2e-27 zf-C4 Zinc finger, C4 type (two domains)
ENSGACP00000002175 PF00104 7.1e-27 Hormone_recep Ligand-binding domain of nuclear hormone receptor

Gene Ontology Annotation
Protein Entry Name Space Description
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0000122 biological_process negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0001890 biological_process placenta development
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0006355 biological_process regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0006919 biological_process activation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0008217 biological_process regulation of blood pressure
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0010871 biological_process negative regulation of receptor biosynthetic process
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0010887 biological_process negative regulation of cholesterol storage
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0010891 biological_process negative regulation of sequestering of triglyceride
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0015909 biological_process long-chain fatty acid transport
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0030224 biological_process monocyte differentiation
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0030855 biological_process epithelial cell differentiation
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0032526 biological_process response to retinoic acid
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0032869 biological_process cellular response to insulin stimulus
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0035357 biological_process peroxisome proliferator activated receptor signaling pathway
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0042593 biological_process glucose homeostasis
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0042953 biological_process lipoprotein transport
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0045165 biological_process cell fate commitment
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0045600 biological_process positive regulation of fat cell differentiation
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0045713 biological_process low-density lipoprotein particle receptor biosynthetic process
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0045944 biological_process positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0048469 biological_process cell maturation
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0048662 biological_process negative regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0050872 biological_process white fat cell differentiation
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0050873 biological_process brown fat cell differentiation
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0051091 biological_process positive regulation of sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0055098 biological_process response to low-density lipoprotein particle
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0060336 biological_process negative regulation of interferon-gamma-mediated signaling pathway
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0071285 biological_process cellular response to lithium ion
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0005634 cellular_component nucleus
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0005829 cellular_component cytosol
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0001012 molecular_function RNA polymerase II regulatory region DNA binding
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0003677 molecular_function DNA binding
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0003682 molecular_function chromatin binding
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0003700 molecular_function sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0003707 molecular_function steroid hormone receptor activity
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0004879 molecular_function ligand-activated sequence-specific DNA binding RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0008144 molecular_function drug binding
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0008270 molecular_function zinc ion binding
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0019899 molecular_function enzyme binding
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0030374 molecular_function ligand-dependent nuclear receptor transcription coactivator activity
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0033613 molecular_function activating transcription factor binding
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0043565 molecular_function sequence-specific DNA binding
ENSGACP00000002175 GO:0046965 molecular_function retinoid X receptor binding

TAXID Organism Gene ID TAXID Organism Gene ID
9796 Equus caballus 100051258 10224 Saccoglossus kowalevskii 100329099
9305 Sarcophilus harrisii 100934154 30611 Otolemur garnettii 100943160
39432 Saimiri boliviensis 101028278 9669 Mustela putorius furo 101688974
10090 Mus musculus 19016 10116 Rattus norvegicus 25664
9031 Gallus gallus 373928 9823 Sus scrofa 397671
28377 Anolis carolinensis ENSACAG00000013360 9615 Canis familiaris ENSCAFG00000004991
7955 Danio rerio ENSDARG00000031848 9365 Erinaceus europaeus ENSEEUG00000006334
61853 Nomascus leucogenys 100581046 10029 Cricetulus griseus 100689245
8128 Oreochromis niloticus 100711231 9597 Pan paniscus 100974825
9685 Felis catus 101095161 9595 Gorilla gorilla 101134077
59463 Myotis lucifugus 102435787 7719 Ciona intestinalis 778733
9646 Ailuropoda melanoleuca ENSAMEG00000004774 9358 Choloepus hoffmanni ENSCHOG00000007152
9361 Dasypus novemcinctus ENSDNOG00000018641 9371 Echinops telfairi ENSETEG00000001775
8049 Gadus morhua ENSGMOG00000001375 7897 Latimeria chalumnae ENSLACG00000009212
9315 Macropus eugenii ENSMEUG00000007824 9978 Ochotona princeps ENSOPRG00000003439
8090 Oryzias latipes ENSORLG00000004432 9813 Procavia capensis ENSPCAG00000001034
9601 Pongo abelii ENSPPYG00000013648 13735 Pelodiscus sinensis ENSPSIG00000011100
42254 Sorex araneus ENSSARG00000009808 43179 Ictidomys tridecemlineatus ENSSTOG00000012778
59729 Taeniopygia guttata ENSTGUG00000004069 9478 Tarsius syrichta ENSTSYG00000006950
9739 Tursiops truncatus ENSTTRG00000016565 8083 Xiphophorus maculatus ENSXMAG00000017330
9785 Loxodonta africana ENSLAFG00000030870 30608 Microcebus murinus ENSMICG00000016663
9544 Macaca mulatta ENSMMUG00000007191 7757 Petromyzon marinus ENSPMAG00000008839
132908 Pteropus vampyrus ENSPVAG00000009845 99883 Tetraodon nigroviridis ENSTNIG00000014805
31033 Takifugu rubripes ENSTRUG00000015522 30538 Vicugna pacos ENSVPAG00000011059