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  • Dan Bolser [Send a message]
    Member since: March 20, 2002
    Groups (14)
    Bioinformatics Education (empty)
    Bioinformatics Needs Assessment Group
    CD-HIT: Sequence clustering software
    MetaBase CodeBase
    OpenMMS Users Group (empty)
    Otto Warburg java Library of structural bioinformatics (OWL)
    PDBHighlight: A Rasmol script DB
    RPM repository for R and its packages
    Sequence search mailing list
    Site Editors
    Sqwiki: The SQL enabled Wiki (empty)
    Structural Classification Of Ligands
    The Web Engine: A simple grid system
    News items (7)
    CD-HIT: Sequence clustering software
    First Bug Fixed!
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Monday, March 08, 2004
    CD-HIT project started at Bioinformatics.Org !
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Thursday, February 19, 2004 (1 comment)
    News & Commentary
    URL: `$0 Genomics' petition
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Wednesday, January 09, 2008
    WNED: Clinton praises biotechnology growth
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Thursday, August 03, 2006
    PDBHighlight: A Rasmol script DB
    PDBHighlight outlines some aims...
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2003
    Structural Classification Of Ligands
    Join and be Damned!
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Friday, February 20, 2004 (1 comment)
    The Web Engine: A simple grid system
    The project needs you!
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004
    Forum messages (14)
    Bioinformatics Education (empty)
    Re: EST
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Wednesday, April 29, 2009
    News & Commentary
    You forgot to provide a link!
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Saturday, July 04, 2009
    This tool is being discussed on the SeqAnswers forum
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Saturday, July 04, 2009
    How does this compare to similar tools like Galaxy?
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Saturday, July 04, 2009
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Monday, January 05, 2009
    Reminds me of SCOL :D
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Wednesday, December 03, 2008
    Is it 'CGI-able'?
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Monday, June 16, 2008
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Wednesday, January 30, 2008
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Friday, August 03, 2007
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Friday, August 03, 2007
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2010
    Re: Welcome to Open Discussion
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009
    Sequence search mailing list
    Mailing list introduction...
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Friday, August 29, 2003
    Welcome to Open Discussion
    Submitted by Dan Bolser; posted on Wednesday, August 27, 2003


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